Usually when your kid(s) refuses to eat and some parents may even blackmail their children: “if you do not eat Swiss chard you will not get chocolate!”
According to a recent research, this method does not bring any results, but there are few other effective strategies:
1. Let your child help you in the preparation of the meal. Two years old children enjoy making a mess in the kitchen, and if so let them do it during preparation and not during the meal.
2. If your kids make “Circus” on the table is credence to any great importance. Besides it does not look right in the eyes, but the point of view something else. You see, since a narrow focus on something else interesting to relax and have a real chance to eat some bites.
3. Do not insist the child to eat if he/she is too tired. First let’s take a break and then offer him/her a meal.
4. If he/she stubbornly refuses food, remove the bowl forcing him to sit for hours at the table. It has a counter-effect that makes your child irritable, and you mommy.
5. Try your culinary skills to show before the taster. Arrange the vegetables of different colors and different shapes because kids love out of the ordinary.
6. If the child does not want to eat mashed broccoli, do not immediately offer him the most beloved dish, because he/she will learn to manipulate you.
7. Mothers always be persistent and consistent. Only in this way you will achieve the desired goal. For that you do need great patience, but it pays.
8. Finally, try to turn the meal time into sweet fun. That doesn’t mean to bring a lot of toys on the table, instead fill the period with stories, songs and good fellowship with your little one and as reward you’ll get many kisses and sweet smiles that will make your day unique and irreplaceable.
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