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At Home Hair Removal

At Home Hair Removal: Techniques

You can successfully remove unwanted hair from your body from home.  If you have thought about products that are overly expensive, laser treatments as well as unsightly treatments, then you may not need to.  There are many at home remedies that actually can help you.

Tips For Shaving

For Men:  One of the best places to shave is the shower.  The goal is to soften the skin which will help the hair to stand up enough for you to get a close shave.  You can also take full advantage of the many products available including gels and creams.  To help, make sure that you use a good quality razor and that you keep it clean and dry between uses.  This will help you to keep cuts to a minimum.  Afterwards, rinse with cold water and if you like use an after shave. 

For The Ladies:  Just like the men, there are many things that you can do to improve the quality of your shave.  For example, if you hold the razor at the right angle you will get a closer shave.  Softening the skin with warm water, lotions or shaving gels can also help.  If you would like to cut the costs, use conditioner instead of these creams.  It can do the same job for much less of the cost.  You can shave any area of the body, with most women shaving their legs and underarms about twice per week or more depending on the need.

Tweezing:  Another Option

Using clean tweezers, you can easily pluck away stray hairs or shape the eyebrow.  You should not use them on nose hairs, though as it can cause an infection.  To do so, pull the hair in the same direction as it grows.  You have no need for creams as these can block pores.  In most cases, you can go about two weeks between tweezing sessions.

Depilatories:  Another Option

Here, you’ll want to make sure that you take the time to follow the directions provided on the containers of depilatories.  You need to insure you are not allergic and you need to insure that you pay close attention to the time frame.  If you leave these products on too long or use them when you should not, you are likely to suffer from a rash or burn.  You can use these about every other month to your desired results.  You’ll want to try to use them after you have taken a shower or bath so that the hair is soft and easily removed.

These options for at home hair removal are options that you can easily do and benefit from.  Take the time to learn a little bit more about them, purchase the products needed and get rid of unwanted hair.

There are some more at home options for hair removal that you should consider.  You will find these to provide you with a good quality finish.  To choose, look at your conditions as well as your preferences.

Waxing: A Small Pain Goes A Long Way

Waxing is an effective method of hair removal that will last several weeks.  You can purchase at home kits to help you to do it.  You’ll apply a thin coating of wax, allow it to dry and then rip it away.  Yes, it hurts a bit but that is only going to last a second.  And, you’ll be able to take advantage of the hair free beauty for a while afterwards.

Bleaching:  Hide It

While you will not be actually removing hair, you will be able to hide it carefully.  Bleaching is a chemical reaction which will remove the color from the hair allowing it to blend in with your skin.  You can purchase bleaching products for the hair above your lip or in other areas as well.  Make sure to follow the directions of the product that you use.  It is also important to note that tanned skin can cause bleached hair to stand out.

Abrasives:  A Little Elbow Grease

If you have fine hair, then abrasives can be the right method for you to remove hair.  You will use an abrasive stone, pumice mostly.  By rubbing the stone to the skin in a circular motion, you will lightly remove the hair without damaging your skin.  Although you’ll see some redness afterwards, it will likely go away quickly.  And, the results of abrasives will last up to three weeks.

Electrolysis:  The Home Version

There are several home electrolysis products that you can purchase.  Careful purchasing can lead to the best results.  While these products promise permanent hair removal, they are hard to use and do not always provide this.  They are not as effective as professional services, but far less costly.  You’ll want a blunt needed version.  This will get placed inside the follicle.  Products called Electric Tweezers do not work nearly as well.  You’ll need to make sure that the hair is in a growing cycle and follow the directions provided carefully.   A small area of at a time should be attempted.  It will take you a long while and it will not be as pain free as you may think. 

Hair removal can happen at home.  There are many methods and ways that you can effectively get rid of unwanted hair that is throughout the areas of your body that you do not want it to be.  While there are many options, it is completely up to you, your preferences and your budget to determine which the right one to go with is.


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