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Understanding Body Odor

Understanding Body Odor

1. Investigate why body odor occurs. Body odor, technically known as bromhidrosis, osmidrosis or ozochrotia, or more simply as BO, is caused by the breakdown of skin proteins by bacteria on the skin. The specific odor depends to some extent on the type of bacteria on your skin, the proteins they break down, the acids that are produced, the foods you eat, the amount of sweat you produce, and your overall state of health. Individuals with diabetes, hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating), who are taking specific medications, or who are obese, for example, are more at risk for body odor.When we sweat, bacteria on our skin breaks down the sweat and skin proteins into a two main types of acids -- it is these acids that result in body odor. The two main acids are produced by two different types of bacteria: Propionic acid and Isovaleric acid. Propionic acid is produced by Propionibacteria. Propionic acid tends to smell vinegar-y. Isovaleric acid is produced by Staphylococcus epidermidis. Isovaleric acid tends to smell cheesy-- perhaps because the same bacteria are used to made certain types of cheese.

2. Figure out where body odor is likely to occur. Body odor tends to occur in folds of skin or in areas of the body that are either covered or more prone to sweating-- these are the feet, groin, armpits, genitals, pubic hair and other areas with hair, the belly button, the anus and behind the ears. Other areas can be sweaty and produce odor as well, but generally to a lesser degree.
3. Understand how and why we sweat. Sweat is produced by two types of sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine glands. The eccrine glands are the basic sweat glands used by the body to help regulate temperature. The apocrine glands are scent glands that produce pheromones.
Pheromones are used by all mammals-- including humans-- to attract genetically attractive sexual partners and to signal mood. Apocrine glands are found in the groin, armpits and around the nipples

4. Understand that foot odor is different than other types of body odor. Foot odor can be somewhat different. Feet have eccrine sweat glands, but since most individuals wear socks and shoes (most of which are made of synthetic materials) most of the time, the sweat doesn’t evaporate as easily.

Synthetic materials (as opposed to cotton or leather) tend to hold in sweat and prevent evaporation unless they are specially made to allow evaporation. Sweat which doesn’t evaporate tends to provide a good environment for fungi-- and many forms of fungi produce unpleasant smells as well.

5. Investigate other factors effecting body odor. For instance, age can make a difference for the type of body odor produced. Children before puberty do not produce body odor for the most part. Androgens that are produced during puberty are associated with the production of unpleasant body odor.

6. Assess whether you should see a doctor for your body odor. Most body odor can be dealt with using home remedies, but there are times when body odor signals the need to see your physician. In some cases, your physician may refer you to a dermatologist (skin specialist). Call your physician for an appointment if:

You have attempted to deal with the problem but all treatments do not help reduce or eliminate the body odor within 2-3 weeks. You begin to sweat much more or less than you normally do.
Sweating disrupts your daily routine. You begin to experience night sweats. Your body odor changes dramatically.



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