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Cleaning The Liver With Raisins

Cleanse Your Liver With Raisins And Water

It is well known  that the liver represents  a so called  biochemical laboratory of the human body, where more complex processes take place.
One of the many functions the liver  performs is  detoxification. Excessive intake of medicines, improper diet and certain bacterial and viral infections  often leave severe consequences and  pose a threat to the liver’s well functioning.

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body. To be precise, it is the number one most efficient cleanser and blood purifier. Our liver has the job to make sure the synthesizing proteins and eliminating toxins are never obstructed. Additionally, it is the only organ in the body that can be healed itself after being cut.
Since it is essential for the overall health in our body, we must take good care for the liver. Often, the most issued problem is the fatty liver. There are many other dangerous diseases that attack the liver such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis A, B and C and known as toxic hepatitis.

Luckily, there are all natural ways to cleanse the liver and reestablish the proper function. If you keep reading, you will see that cleansing your liver in few days with only water and raisins is possible.

1. Cleanse your liver by preparing this traditional Russian medicine recipe:
  1. Soak half  a cup of raisins in hot water and let it rest for 15 minutes, then wash .
  2. Place the  washed raisins in a cup and fill the cup to the brim with boiled water, cooled to room temperature. Let the raisins rest for 24 hours (until the next morning).
  3. The next morning, before having breakfast, drink the beverage and eat the raisins. Lie in bed for one and a half or two hours and put a hot compress (or even better, a hot-water bottle) on the right side of your stomach.
Repeat  this cleansing  procedure  once a week  for one  month (i.e. once a week during the month) and twice a year .

2. Cleanse your liver by preparing

First, you need to pick some good black raisins and put them in a pot. Add water three times on a cup of black raisins, and remove it after 5 seconds, it should clean the raisins.

Then, in the same water, boil the raisins for about 2 minutes, and then leave them to rest for 24 hours.
First thing in the morning, take this powerful cleanser on an empty stomach. You can choose according to your wishes if you want it hot, cold or warm.

You will start noticing the primary effects after two days. However, it is advisable to conduct the cleansing method for a week.

Moreover, you stay away from the fatty foods or alcohol during the treatment.


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