Migraine Headache
Headache pulsating pain that lasts up to one hour up to 72 hours. The intense throbbing, pulsing, and excruciating pain that accompanies a migraine can be so debilitating that the Migraine Research Foundation (MRF) reports that more than 90 percent of sufferers are unable to work or function normally during an attack. Cultures worldwide developed herbal remedies for headaches and other common migraine symptoms years before the introduction of modern medicine. Many of these herbal traditions have survived. Although most herbal migraine remedies haven’t been thoroughly scientifically tested for their effectiveness, many herbs are rapidly gaining the support of the modern medical community. There are several home remedies for migraine headaches here we present you some useful tips and effective home solutions to beat the headaches.
Peppermint Oil
Cinnamon Powder Paste
Make a powder with cinnamon stick and rose water. Apply this paste on your forehead for 20-25 minutes.
Coriander Seed
people across cultures have utilized coriander seed’s healing and seasoning properties. Coriander was lauded for its ability to successfully treat ailments that ranged from allergies to diabetes to migraines. Traditional Aryuvedic medicine used coriander to relieve sinus pressure and headaches by pouring hot water over the fresh seeds and inhaling the steam.Research on the seed’s medicinal effects is generally focused on its potential to treat arthritis and diabetes. More studies need to be conducted to better determine if it’s useful as a remedy for migraine pain. However, coriander seed’s anti-inflammatory potential may prove beneficial for some migraines. Coriander seeds can be chewed and used in food or teas. Oral extracts are also available.
Ice Wrap
If your blood pressure is high and you are feeling headache. Wrap 4-5 Ice cubes in a towel. Rub and place it on your forehead, temples and neck slowly and smoothly. It effects very quickly and improve your blood flow.Basil Oil
Dried Red Chilies
Fry 7 Pieces of dried red Chilies’ in
Olive Oil until it burns. Massage with this oil on your forehead
effected area. Best remedy for migraine headache.
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