The spice turmeric is derived from the root of the herb Curcuma longa. Fresh turmeric is aromatic with bitter taste. Dried turmeric has aromas of orange and ginger, also with bitter taste. This spice is compulsory in some Indian food.
Put a quarter cup of water in a pot and add 1/8 tablespoon turmeric, which should boil about 8 minutes. In another bowl add 1 cup of milk and 2 tablespoons almond milk. Milk can be goat or soy. Both liquid are mixed together. Mix until you get a golden mixture. You can add honey or brown sugar for better flavor. Drink the Turmeric Milk while warm.
Drink it regularly for 3 months – single dose per day.
Turmeric Milk except carcinoma fight against the following diseases: arthritis, back pain, disorders of the female reproductive organs, improves sleep, strengthens immunity, depression and stress.
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