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Healthier Hair and Stronger Nails

6 foods for healthier hair and stronger nails

Waiting to grow your nails and hair can be very frustrating. If you do not eat the right foods, you just wait in vain. Because nails and hair are made of creatine, there are a few groceries that you can insert into your diet that will promote its action. The healthier you eat, the better your body will function. So, next time you go to the supermarket, put these on your grocery list.



1. Milk

Studies show that certain deficiencies of iron, zinc, biotin and protein can lead to hair loss and fragile nails. It is best to eat foods rich in these ingredients such as milk. It is an excellent source of protein, calcium, vitamin D and biotin. Biotin will make your hair very soft.

2. Eggs

Your hair (which grows about 1 cm each month) is actually 97% protein, which means it must constantly “top up” your body with these proteins that the eggs have and can encourage cells to grow and regenerate. Eggs are also rich in iron and biotin.

3. Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids will make your hair stronger and your scalp with less dander. They also help your nails (that grow around 3 mm per month) to be less brittle. Bonus salmon is also full of biotin, an essential B vitamin for hair and scalp.

4. Leafy vegetables

Kale, spinach, Swiss chard and other dark green vegetables are full of vitamins A and C which are great for your health. They are very important for producing collagen, which in turn strengthens the blood vessels. Vitamin C is also important for the absorption of iron (which you are supplied in the eggs), and vitamin A stimulates hair growth.

5. Orange and yellow colored vegetables

Vegetables rich with omega vitamin A like carrots, pumpkin and gracious potatoes will make your nails shiny and less dry. They are also full with the antioxidant beta carotene that helps your  body to transform vitamin A in healthy skin.Use them often and you will say goodbye to fragile nails.

6. Water

Regular drinking water is also very important for the health of your nails and hair. Hydration is very important for the proper conduct of the functions of your body. Thus all nutrients are carried to every follicle of hair and nails.


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