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Burns Fat in Your Body

Burns Fat, Cleans Your Body And Gives You Energy

If you are looking for a good way to boost your metabolism and burn more calories, you need to try this all-natural drink.
Proper diet is as essential as regular exercise when it comes to getting a nice and well-shaped body. Nutritionists would agree that it is very important to eat foods that stimulate the fat-burning process. It is the easiest way to get rid of excess pounds without cutting out some foods.
Apple cinnamon water may be the perfect solution to your problem.


Apples are the best fruit when it comes to losing weight. They are packed with fiber, especially pectin. It is a soluble fiber that promotes food digestion and keeps you full for longer. Their high content of water, organic compounds, and vitamins boost overall health. Apples are also known as a great detox food.


Cinnamon is the most effective gift of nature that contributes to healthy weight loss. It is has natural thermogenic properties, meaning it boosts metabolism and burns loads of calories. This applies to many other spices, especially those that heat up the body.


  • 2 apples
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 34 oz / 1l filtered water


Peel the first apple and remove the seeds. Cut it into inch thick slices and mash the slices using a large spoon or press. This step is important if you want to get as much juice as possible. Combine the apple juice, filtered water and cinnamon sticks in a large pitcher. Stir well.
Core the second apple, but do not peel it. Dice it into small pieces and add them to the pitcher. Stir again, keep it in the fridge if you like your drinks cold, and enjoy!

Increase the power of your fat-burning drink

Add some fresh lemon juice or raspberries to increase the fat-burning ability of your beverage. Each of these has strong thermogenic properties.
One dose of the recipe is enough for three days. The detox and fat-burning process should last for 35 days. Take a 10-day break before you start again.


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